The safest and cheapest way to travel Inspirations drawn from Graham Hughes’ travel of the world without a single flight
January 1, 2009, Graham Hughes set off on a journey from his home country, Liverpool. A journey that would be captured not only by the entire world but also in the Guinness World Records. This is the man that has stepped in all 201 countries of the world, including your own country. He managed to do this without taking a single flight or hiring any private vehicles. How did he it? Well, Graham had very little choices, now that the recording body barred him from taking a plane to anywhere, nor drive himself in anything else, other than his own two feet. So, in his entire voyage, he had to use public means of transport and at times even hop into cargo boats, just to make it to some isolated islands.
The idea might sound absurd to any middling traveler, but we can learn several things from Graham's combats in his journey round the globe. However, one thing remains noticeable in all successful voyages, especially those done by renowned travelers from time in memorial; and this one thing is prior planning. Before you embark on any trip or excursion, you must do some thorough research about the place you are visiting. After the research, now you can do the planning- When planning, you should consider things to do with budgeting, means of transport and the traveling gear you're going to need. Your travel plan will sort of becoming your reference point during the entire trip.
Tips for traveling cheaply and safely
Here are some tips that will ensure that your trip remains safe and on a budget. Some of these guidelines are part of what Graham Hughes applied in his record-breaking travel. They have also been known to work for ancient travelers like Christopher Columbus and John Cabot.
Plan and Research thoroughly prior to the journey
One big mistake that most people make when traveling, is failing to plan adequately before they embark on a journey. Planning ensures that you have a rough estimate of exactly how much money you will need at every juncture. in his journey, Graham outlined that he was only using a maximum of $100 every week. This is inclusive of his traveling costs, motel charges, and food expenses. His prior researches enabled him to know some of the cheap places to spend the night while he was traveling. When you plan and have a rough estimate of what you are going to use every week, then you are able to know which things to forego, so as to stay on budget.
Always know where you are going: Have a map and stay connected
In the ancient times, great travelers like ibn Battuta used maps to navigate through the new lands and seas that they ventured into. These explorers even drew some of the earliest maps known to man. Having a physical map with you not only helps you navigate confidently through new places, but it also minimizes the chances of you asking directions from strangers. Many adventurers have ended up being abducted or robbed at gun point, just because they asked the wrong people for directions.
With an informative map of the place you are visiting, you can literally travel anywhere without asking for directions. Today, we are even lucky to have traveling apps at the convenience of our smartphones. Whether you decide to use your smartphone's Maps App or to buy a printed map, ensure that you have a one, it will save you from a lot of trouble.
Though, it's highly advisable that you carry the two. The Phone will help you get real-time feedback on exactly where you are, while the printed map will help you get through new tracks, even when your phone's battery dies
Carry your favorite hobby kit
Long travels especially in public means have been known to be boring and exhaustive. During such moments, having some headphones or novel with you could be a real-life saver from the boredom. If you enjoy writing, then the long bus travel could be a great chance to add on a few paragraphs to your book. Never hit the road without packing a hobby kit in your back pack. This is simply because chances are you will have at least two boring sessions in any typical day of traveling.
Never starve yourself
Any professional traveler always carries a separate luggage with his munchies and maybe an additional water bottle. When traveling, your body needs lots of nourishment, meaning that you have to carry with you some quick snacks. A good traveler ensures that he can fit at least a dish and a water bottle in their luggage pack. if it's not possible, then make a point of acquiring an extra handbag, specifically for carrying your snacks. If you journey is going to take more than a day, then you'll realize that just like you need a specific pack for your camera, you are going to be needing one for your food too.
Avoid carrying excess luggage
At times, we have limited options when it comes to the size of luggage we are going to carry. On a professional field trip, like the ones that journalists are sent to, travelers have no way out. They have to carry lots of luggage including the big SLR cameras, stands, and microphones. Carrying such equipment when traveling could be hectic. But at least for them, the burden is compensated for with huge allowances and bonuses. For a normal traveler, though, like Hughes, a big load will mean added expenses and many tiring strolls.
When packing for that one week journey with your loved one, simply ask her to leave some of those unnecessary stuff. There is no need to bring your entire wardrobe and makeup desk on a trip to Victoria Falls in Africa. Nobody really cares about how you look there. So, you have to know the things to carry and those to leave behind. After all, the burden will all be going to your shoulders.
Don't be a pickpocket magnet
Unless it's highly unavoidable, try to carry as little cash with you. All over the world, pick pockets and robbers are really observant in their hideouts along isolated alleyways. These muggers can literally tell a new face in town just by how you walk or talk. 80 as to stay safe, try to blend in with the locals as much as possible. In as much as this is not 100% achievable, (especially if you are not of the same ethnicity as the local people around there), try as much as you can not look inexperienced. One way to tell a new person in town is by how he or she treats money. You don't want to be the guy that pulls out a stash of notes just to remove a 5 dollar note, to pay a burger vendor. Use your credit card, nowadays they are accepted all over the world.
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